Social Media

Writing a beautiful post on Instagram

How to write a good post for a social network that will be shared? What to post about? Are there instructions for writing posts? Should you cooperate with companies that allow you to buy Instagram followers? We will talk about this in this article.

There is an opinion that writing text posts is long and difficult. The purpose of this article is to prove that writing a post and engaging an audience can be easy if you know a few steps and follow our algorithm. It is enough to make two or three publications, based on our recommendations, and the skill will be pinned.

Rules for writing posts for social networks

Some experts argue that each social network has its own specifics and you need to write for them in different ways. Others believe that the main thing is the interests of the audience, and the platform itself is secondary and there is no need for separate instructions on how to write a post for a specific service.

We will consider universal recommendations suitable for writing posts on any social network.


How to find an idea

First of all, you need to choose an interesting topic: often the problem with most bloggers or business accounts is the lack of ideas. Notice interesting things around, get inspired by news in the field and in the world, write down topics, because ideas come unexpectedly! So you don’t have to waste time searching for a topic.

Purpose: How can you help the reader?

Having chosen a topic, you need to set a goal. What will subscribers find out? Why is this information useful?

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The formulated goal will make the text coherent and structured. If there is no clear goal, the author starts trying to “embrace the immense”, the thought jumps from one to another, the reader does not find an answer to the questions, gets bored and scrolls through the post. Focus on the needs of the audience, do not focus on your own interests.

Work through this point by choosing a strong goal that will keep the audience. You can buy real Instagram followers and it will be useful for you, but the main thing is to keep new readers with interesting posts.

Decide what to post about: pick one narrow question and answer it. Also, the chosen question becomes a good title.

Where to get ideas for posts:

  • texts in blogs with the same subject;
  • credible expert articles;
  • videos.

Write the correct structure

Although some writers’ longreads get thousands of likes, people on social media usually like short texts more than long ones because they want to have fun, not delve into a complex article. Therefore, it is important to highlight the theses and create a structure based on them. The structure smoothly leads the reader through the text, summing up the results.

Formulate the thesis of each point and come up with approximate subheadings:

  • title and abstract (announcement, preamble) include the main topic and, possibly, an amplifier (for example, if you want to show that even beginners will understand the material, or if you need a provocation);
  • the introduction formulates the main question, reveals why it is important and how the post will help;
  • the main part is the answer to the question;
  • the end is a summing up, an invitation to a dialogue or an incentive to purchase a product.
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Writing a draft

At this stage, the basis of the text is prepared according to a given structure. Expand the basic concepts, find and add facts, convincing examples for the audience. At this stage, do not try to write a beautiful text. Now it is important to collect and organize the necessary information.

The size of each section should correspond to the importance for the disclosure purpose. The optimal post length is 2,000 characters. The introduction should not exceed three hundred characters. It’s better to quickly start talking about the main idea so as not to waste the audience’s time.

At the end, add a call to participate in the discussion in the comments or share. Read the draft. Simplify complex expressions, get rid of unnecessary introductory constructions and repetitions. Go over the text, make sure you haven’t missed anything from the planned structure.

How to write interesting texts that will be shared

The best effect is given by posts that subscribers share with friends. What motivates people to send someone a publication or repost?

Self-presentation. People repost content that supports their image. Therefore, athletes share motivating pictures and descriptions of training, and a novice entrepreneur will definitely repost articles on the topic of business and self-development. This allows you to show your friends your values, goals, and beliefs.

Powerful emotions. It can be delight, indignation, sadness, hatred, whatever. By making a repost, a person expresses his attitude to a resonant event.

Belonging to a team. Many people tend to be interested in what is important to others. For this reason, popular news, new memes and comments on scandalous topics are spreading.

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Benefit. By sharing cases and life hacks, people feel that they are helping others. Another reason to repost such a publication is the ability to save it and reread it later, as the need arises.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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