Social Media

YouTube SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos in 2019

Surely you are tired of reading and listening everywhere that content is the king of the Internet, and that is why this time we will not talk about it. Here are the10 infallible tips to position your videos on YouTube and turn them into ‘the most-watched’i.e., Youtube SEO!

But did you know that the Internet also has a queen and that it also has so many charms that it will be impossible for you to resist them?

In this case, we talk about online videos, which are already called to be the present and the future of digital marketing. Users increasingly spend more time watching videos, but not only that but:

The reason is simple: the videos are entertaining, shareable and easy to consume. But they also increase conversion rates, favour engagement and are economical (you can even do them for free).

In fact, 9 out of 10 Internet users watch the videos of the brands they like, 65% end up visiting the website of the brand after watching a video and it is also estimated that in 2018 the online video will represent 84% of all Internet traffic. Almost nothing!

So if you have not yet included the video in your content marketing strategy you should consider it, and if you are already creating your own videos you should get the most out of them. And that’s where YouTube SEO comes into play.

And indeed, if we talk about video we can not forget the audiovisual platform par excellence: YouTube, the third most visited site in the world and responsible for the existence of the more than 32 million videos currently on the platform.

Because uploading videos to YouTube is very good but, what if you could also optimize them so that they appear on the top search engine sites and you can earn more traffic, conversions and therefore more money?

That is just what we are going to teach you below through 10 infallible YouTube SEO techniques that will help you bring your videos to the top of YouTube and Google. Yes, a 2 × 1 that can only bring you advantages!

When you finish reading the article you will see that doing YouTube SEO is relatively easy. Total, if Justin Bieber got to know himself thanks to his videos on the platform without having any idea of positioning, you can also achieve it, right?

Why include the videos in your marketing strategy and bet on YouTube SEO?

YouTube is the second most used search engine in the world, just behind Google; and interestingly, both are owned by the same monopoly since Google acquired the video platform in 2006 for 1.65 trillion dollars.

Today, YouTube receives a billion unique visitors a month who perform 3 million monthly searches and upload 100 hours of video every minute.

But not only that, but if YouTube were a country it would be the third-largest in the world just behind China and India, and in fact, almost one in two people who connect to the Internet is on YouTube.

Imagine then all you can achieve if you design a good strategy on YouTube!

In fact, there are more and more small, medium and large companies that know the potential of online video and that increasingly opt for SEO video to achieve better results, since it is an economic option and available to any small business whatever.

Soon you will also know how to use YouTube to optimize your videos to occupy the top positions of search engines and get to reach many more people.

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To appear in the top positions of Google or YouTube it is not enough to upload a video to your channel and put a striking title, but there are a number of YouTube SEO techniques that you need to know so you can get the most out of video marketing either to attract more traffic to your website, to increase your visibility, to make yourself known, to increase engagement, to generate more leads, to increase the conversion rate or any other goal you have set for yourself .

Next, we are going to share 10 techniques that you must apply to do well on YouTube:

1. Take care of the look of your YouTube channel

The first impression is what counts so take care of the design of your YouTube channel so that it is attractive and enjoyable to watch.

Choose a username that identifies with your brand and what you want to convey, and the same goes for the profile picture and the cover image.

Ideally, you pick a design responsive, ie which is adapted to different devices and also tries to make a good description of the channel with those keywords related to your niche or market sector.

In addition, you can also post a presentation video at the top of your channel that will only be shown to new visitors who are not yet subscribed to your channel (and in fact, it is a highly recommended option that more and more brands take advantage of).

Try to make the video short, to introduce your audience to your channel, to hook and invite to subscribe by also inserting several annotations.

Here are several examples of well-designed profiles, including T-Series, the brand with the most subscribers on YouTube with 111 Million Subscribers.

Youtube SEO
Youtube SEO

2. Create playlists

Having all your videos classified and distributed in several playlists will be very useful for organizing your information.

But not only that, but the playlists also appear in the search results, so if you use them to group your different videos in addition to facilitating the revision of all the videos on that list you will also be helping your channel to appear in the results of YouTube thereby increasing visibility.

Ikea, for example, has several playlists on its channel, among which are ” Kitchen with Ikea” or ” Ideas to decorate your home with IKEA” so that users know what videos to watch based on their interests.


3. Research your audience and keep track of your competition!

One of the advantages of doing YouTube SEO is that it is very simple, among other things because the platform offers several reports and statistics about your visitors; for example age, gender and location.

All this will help you know who your videos are coming to and who your audience really is, so you can get an idea of which way to go.
You will also find it very useful to analyze your competition, not only to see what they do, how they do it and how they are doing but also to see what keywords they are using to position their videos.

4. Define your video keywords

One of the most important steps to succeed in doing YouTube SEO is to take the time to investigate what your video keywords are going to be and thereby go safe when optimizing your videos.

You have several ways to do it, for example, look at what searches are the most common in the sector in which you move using the YouTube search engine or you can even use Google Trends to compare several similar search terms and see their trend or the Word Planner Google key to see how many searches a certain word has per month.

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Below you can see an example of how Google Trends works. In this case, we wanted to see what the trend was for “ video SEO ” on the Internet and here is the result:

google trends

5. Create interesting, unique and relevant content

As much as the videos work, they are still content and therefore when your audience views them it does so with the intention of finding value in them.

That means you must create content that is interesting, useful and unique that is geared to meet the needs of your audience. Think that there is nothing more direct than content marketing so try to respond in your videos to the possible doubts and concerns of your audience.

If you don’t know where to start, you can use the Postcron content recommender, which will help you find the topics that most interest your audience through social networks.

Also, try to make your videos evergreen, that is, your content never dies; and before closing the video add calls to action based on your goals: visit your blog, comment or share on the networks. You choose!

And remember that Google classifies videos based on how people interact with them, so more visits and interactions, more positioning.

6. Choose a title for your video that is ‘SEO friendly’

The title is one of the key pieces of YouTube SEO and one of the most neglected so yes or yes you should include the keyword in it – and the more at the beginning of the title you are, the better than better.

In addition, the title of a video is one of the reasons why we choose or not to click on it either directly from YouTube and if you share networks or send it by e-mail so you need a title suggestive, striking and that Call to action. And above all, try not to exceed 60 characters.

Also keep in mind that words such as ” tips “, ” mistakes “, ” how ” and similar ones arouse the audience’s intrigue and make the titles more clickable.

If for example you have a cooking business and you know what your audience is looking for recipes – and that one of the biggest searches is about homemade pizzas – then it is ideal that you optimize the word “ homemade pizza ” in your video, also taking into account the words that best They work as a recipe or how .

In fact, in this example you can see how of 58,500 results on YouTube for homemade pizza the best positioned are those that contain “how to make homemade pizza” with small variations in the title:

Youtube SEO

7. Write a good description of your video

Another essential factor to consider when doing YouTube SEO is the description since it affects more than you imagine the positioning.

The reason is very simple: as Google cannot listen to the videos then based on the text description to determine the content of the video.

But not just any description is valid, but you have to consider several requirements, such as:

  • Make a detailed, explanatory and persuasive description about the content of your video of up to at least 250 words, because even if only the first lines are shown to the user, what you want is to position your videos on YouTube and the descriptions are read by both Google and on YouTube
  • Add the link to your blog or website in the first paragraph as this maximizes the CTR or click rate to your site.
  • Include the keyword in the first 25 words.
  • Enter the keyword at least 3 or 4 times (no more, since Google and YouTube will consider it as Spam).
  • Add a call to action to tell them that you expect them to share the video, comment, subscribe, visit your blog or any other action you want them to do.
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8. Don’t forget the tags when you do YouTube SEO, you’ll need them!

The tags in addition to helping you define and position your video correctly will also help it appear in the section of related videos in the sidebar while users are watching other videos related to your theme with which you can get new visits.

Therefore, include all those tags that you consider relevant but avoid all those that are not related to the context of your video. How would a user look for you? Think about it, research and add tags so that your video is offered for a particular search. Of course: beware of over-optimization.

In addition, it is important to update the tags from time to time to get more out of new search behaviours.

9. Upload a custom thumbnail, you will be surprised!

The first thing a user sees before deciding whether or not to view your video is the title on the one hand and the thumbnail or thumbnail on the other.

And missing the opportunity to choose a suitable thumbnail image is a mistake that can lead you to lose hundreds of clicks so choose the best of the images that YouTube offers you or if you are a partner customize your thumbnail image and upload it to accompany the title of your video – ideally, in 4: 1 format and at least 1200 x 720 pixels— .

10. Share your videos on different platforms

Give wings to your videos and spread them on different social media platforms: through email, on social networks like Facebook or Twitter and even on your blog or website.

It is also important that when configuring your video you can share and embed the video on any website so do not forget to mark it as public.

Youtube share

Also, make sure that you define the correct category for your video and whenever you can include subtitles since Google and YouTube use them to obtain better information with which you will achieve better positioning.

What do you think of these 10 tips to make SEO video on YouTube and thus get to take your videos to the top of search engines with everything that this means for your business?

Now you know where to start so focus on your digital marketing strategy, design a strategy for YouTube and apply these tips because without a doubt if you invest a little time and effort in applying these tips every time you upload a video you will notice the difference. This may be the beginning of something big, it’s up to you!

Did you find this content useful? Are you going to apply these tips to your YouTube channel? Leave us your comments! And above all, feel free to share this article with all the people you think may be of interest, we all have a lot to learn from YouTube SEO!


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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