Social Media

24 Most Popular Social Networks In 2019

Today we all know social networks, but do we really know what they are?

Social networks are digital platforms that connect people based on criteria such as friendship, professional relationship or kinship and, among their advantages, facilitate the information generated through cooperation between them, to expand.

Social networks have an open system that allows interacting with unknown people and is created from what these users contribute to the network.

The first social network, “Web classmates,” was created by Randy Conrads in 1995 so that alumni could maintain or regain contact with friends from college or university.

According to a new report published by We Are Social and Hootsuite, the use of Social Networks has grown significantly in recent years, reaching an average of more than 3,000 million people who use social networks in the world monthly every month. According to the study, the most used social networks and social platforms are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Facebook social network

It is the most used and therefore with more users in the world. It has more than 2000 million active users. This platform was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. In its beginnings it was used internally among Harvard students, however, nowadays anyone who has an email can use it. This website allows you to share texts, photos and videos with your friends. Your target audience is between 20 and 35 years old.

YouTube social network

It ranks second with 1500 million users according to the study. It was created by three former PayPal employees in 2005. It is a website where its users can share videos of almost any theme (music, series, movies, tutorials, etc.) If you create videos with interesting content, you can generate a huge viral impact on your brand.

WhatsApp social network

This instant messaging service was founded in 2009 by Jan Koum, also has 1300 million users and is used to send and receive messages via the internet. In addition to text, you can send photos and videos individually or in groups.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is the messaging service of the social network Facebook. This service was developed as Facebook Chat in 2008 and currently has 1,500 million users.

WeChat application

It is another instant messaging service that competes directly with others such as WhatsApp or Line already having more than 800 million users. One of the advantages that most users of this application found is that it respects their privacy. The rest of the users do not know if you are connected or not or if you have read their message, you cannot see the mobile number of the other users.

QQ social network

It is the platform par excellence in China where government censorship prevents the entry of other websites such as Facebook. It was created in 1999 and more than 840 million users already have this instant messaging service. In addition to these utilities, it has its own email called QQMail, a platform to write blogs; QQZone, where you can also buy online through “Paipai”, play online in QQYouxi, book trips and find a partner through QQTongchang.

Instagram social network

This social network was bought by Facebook in 2012. It is used to share photos and videos and has incorporated a new feature identical to Snapchat (Instagram Stories), which allows you to publish photos and videos that disappear in 24 hours. The application already has 800 million users.

Tumblr social network

It was founded by David Karp in 2007. It is a microblogging platform where you can create publications with photos, text, videos, links and audio. You can also follow and share content from other users or brands with which you share interests. It is one of the most used platforms to disseminate content. It has more than 700 million users according to the study.

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QZone social network – EcuRed

The social network created in 2005 and available only in the Chinese language. Its main users are from China, but there are also some from Kazakhstan and Russia. It has more than 500 million users.

Weibo social network

It is a social network used in China that has similar utilities to Facebook and Twitter. The meaning of Weibo is a micro blog. It was founded by Sina Weibo in 2009. It has about 400 million users.

Twitter social network

It was founded by Jack Dorsey in 2006 but is under the jurisdiction of Delaware since 2007. Twitter is a social network that allows its users to send and read texts of a maximum length of 280 characters (previously only allowed 140) called “tweets”. Twitter is very useful to keep you informed of the latest trends, news, fashion, etc. By applying some tricks you can get more out of it. It is currently one of the most followed. It currently has more than 300 million users.

Baidu Tieba social network

It is the largest communication platform in China, which is part of the Chinese search engine, Baidu. According to the study, it currently has 300 million users.


Skype is a Microsoft software that allows text, voice and video communications on the Internet. According to the study, 300 million people and businesses currently use Skype to make free calls and video calls. This application, in addition to allowing you to send instant messages, allows you to share files with other people.

LinkedIn social network

This social network was born in 2002 in order to create labour relations. It is one of the platforms that specializes in the professional segment. It is an online platform where you can publish your work experiences, make contacts and look for other new work experiences. It has more than 260 million users.


Vibber is a communication app for different systems and companies: GNU / Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Nokia, Bada and Firefox. The application allows you to make free phone calls and send free text messages. Currently and according to the study has 260 million users.

Snapchat social network

Snapchat was created by students Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown of Stanford University in 2010. It already has more than 250 million users.

Snapchat works as an instant messaging application allowing you to send photos or videos to your contacts individually or in groups, having the option to select the time that the recipient can see the message before it is destroyed (1 to 10 seconds) or hang it on your story, which means that all your contacts can see it during the next 24 hours.

The only way for someone else to save your photo is by taking a screenshot, which Snapchat notifies you. It is one of the most used platforms by companies to launch their campaigns or make the consumer interact with the brand.

Reddit social network

It was founded in June 2005 by Steven Huffman and Alexis Ohanian in Massachusetts and has more than 200 million users. It is a website that could be classified as a forum where users publish content and links to external pages for other users to view. It covers all the themes that we can imagine and each of them has its own section, called Subreddit. Users vote for or against the content so if you publish interesting content you could generate great traffic and visibility on your page.

Line application

It is another instant messaging service, which was born in Japan in March 2011. It was the first messaging service that allowed free calls over the internet. It has more than 200 million users. This service has now been incorporated by others such as WhatsApp.

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Pinterest social network

It was created by Silbermann in 2009 and already has 200 million users. It is a personalized virtual board that allows us to collect images, links and all kinds of content that interest us by organizing them into categories. The rest of users can find our content through searches so it is important that we place keywords or pins with which we want to position our publications.

YY social network

YY is a Chinese social network that allows the user to be in contact with other members through video. Currently, this social network has more than 115 million users according to the study published by We Are Social and Hootsuite.

Telegram application

It is a free instant messaging service that was born in 2013 and competes directly with other messaging services such as WhatsApp. It has 100 million users.

Vkontakte social network

VK is a Russian social network known internationally as VK. It is the Russian Facebook and currently has 97 million users.

BBM application

Since it was created, in August 2005, the BBM application has evolved from simple communication messaging application ( text and video) to a complete ecosystem that integrates chat, social networks, e-commerce and other services functionalities, among They, are the interactive games. It currently has more than 60 million users.

Kakaotalk application

Kakaotalk is a cross-platform messaging application that allows you to send and receive messages for free via smartphones and make free calls. According to the study, it has more than 45 million users.

Other popular Social Networks

Google+ social network

It is the Google platform that integrates into a single profile all user accounts that are the product of it (Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Maps. Translator, YouTube, Blogger, etc.) It allows interacting with people and companies by classifying them in circles according to the criteria you want. It is quite unknown, but it can be considered a marketing tool to generate visibility and boost your business. It has more than 343 million users.

Tagged social network

It was founded in 2014 by entrepreneurs Greg Tseng and Johann Schleier. It is a mixture similar to the social networks MySpace and Facebook. The purpose of Tagged is for people with common interests to know each other in a short period of time. This social network has 300 million users.

Haboo social community

It is an online community that was launched in 2000 and already has 250 million users between 13 and 18 years. When you start using it you must create an avatar to your liking that will then interact in different rooms or chats with strangers. There are public or open access and private rooms to which another user has to invite you.

Social networks

Hi5 social network

It was founded by Ramu Yalamanchi in 2003. It is similar to many other platforms, but it can be interesting for those who like online communities as it introduces some changes. It has 200 million users.

SoundCloud social network

It is a platform specialized in the distribution of music online. It is useful for musicians since they are provided with a distribution channel for their music. Anyone listening to a song can interact with the owner of the song by leaving a comment at the exact moment they want to rate or comment on the song. It has 200 million users.

NetlogTWOO social network

It is a Belgian portal that was launched in 2012 by the creator of Netlog; Lorenz Bogaert focused on the search for a partner. It has 115 million users worldwide.

Daily Motion social network

It is a platform that was born in 2008 in France in which users have the ability to watch and upload videos. Compete directly with YouTube and if it differs in something, it is that it is more focused on a semi-professional short film. It has 115 million users.

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Soundhound social network

Both the social network and the company were founded in 2005 by Keyvan Mohajer. It has 100 million users. It is an online music distribution platform very similar to Soundcloud.

Spotify social network

Born in 2008, it could be defined as a social music player that has 90 million users. There are two types of account; the free and the Premium. This platform allows you to listen to songs of your favourite artists for free since the company has signed agreements with the main labels and create playlists to your liking, you can also find friends and follow the playlists they create.

Match social network

It is a dating portal that was born in 1995 that has 85 million users. Users choose their “match words” through which they will find candidates that share interests. It is another of the most chosen social networks to find a partner.

Flickr social network

It was launched by Ludicorp in 2004. It has 90 million users. It is a platform that allows us to store, organize, share and sell images and videos. You have two types of account; the free and paid one that allows users to have more space and better image quality. It is a place of reference for photography enthusiasts who want to make themselves known.

Slideshare social network

It appears in 2006 to be used by employees of various companies in order to share information. It has 85 million registered users. It is a training or educational platform in which we can publish our work or projects in Word, PDF and PowerPoint documents. If we use an attractive title and add labels we can make our content more visible. To communicate with other users we will do it through private messages.

Qzone social network

It is a social network that was born in 2005 by the creators of QQ; The great Chinese instant messaging service is only available in this language. It is a mix between MSN and MySpace. It allows you to write blogs and publish photos, videos, music, etc. Most of their services offered are not free. In China, it is one of the most used social networks with 629 million users.

Different types of social networks

➨ Horizontal social networks host all types of users without a clearly defined theme. Facebook or WhatsApp are examples of the most important social networks in this category.

➨ Vertical social networks specialize in some field, activity or theme. They can be professionals or referred to a specific topic such as fashion or music. Examples of this category are Tumblr, Pinterest, SoundCloud or LinkedIn. This type of social network is the most suitable for customer acquisition.

The importance of social networks in the professional field

In the professional field, differentiation is increasingly important. More than 40% of Spaniards have higher education. For this reason, companies find it so difficult to select from among all the candidates, since they have very similar characteristics.

One way of differentiation is to make yourself a brand, work personal branding.

This type of marketing, they have taken advantage of fashion bloggers or fashion bloggers, who hanging photos of their sets on social networks have managed to sell an experience and generate a desire to buy in their followers, thus acting as prescribers of the brands that use

For this reason, large fashion firms often prefer to invest in them by giving them their brand products, in exchange for being promoted, rather than creating an advertising campaign in mass media, which in comparison is much more expensive.

The most famous bloggers get the product from which they upload photos run out in a very short time.

Today, this type of advertising on social networks generates a lot of impacts and must be taken advantage of.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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