Social Media

Using social media to promote your photography business

There are many budding photographers around the world and they are wanting to set themselves apart from the crowd. Finding a good photographer can be as hard as finding the best betting sites bonus offers, so it is vital that you are able to show what you can do quickly and easily for people to find you on the internet. 

What tips can really help your photography business grow or help you get started in the photography business?

Do not just rely on social media

This may sound contradictory straight off but it is important that you do not just use social media and expect that to be the end of it. Promote yourself online with a website, promote your business with local companies and try and get your work out there at local markets. From there on you can use your networking to promote your social media.

Know your style

Figure out what you like taking photographs of and where the niche in the market is. Some people like to use darker styles whereas others prefer light. Some people like taking pictures of buildings and some like taking pictures of food. There are so many different styles but sticking to a certain style for you would be beneficial because of posts trending on social media platforms. 

This is also important when you are in a business such as weddings or family portraits, if you have a different style to that of a basic photographer then you are already one step ahead.

Find the best platform

There are hundreds of platforms that can help you spread your images and get people noticing. You have platforms such as Flickr, Instagram, Trover and Behance were you can showcase your work, share with people and ultimately get known across the internet.

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Make sure the one you use is accessible for you as a user and for your viewing audience. It is also important to use an account that is specific in that field. In the example of Trover, that is aimed at photographers who document travel photos.

Show behind the scenes

People like to know what goes on. As a human race of people we are quite nosey and intrigued as to what people do when we do not do it. So pictures that show what you get up to at your business makes for more hits and interactions.

It is also worth noting that Instagram photos with faces get 38% more engagement than those without, so being more interactive with your followers by using your face will be beneficial in the long run.

Use the social media wisely

Getting to grips with social media can be hard but using the best tools of that website will help. Using the hashtags, seeing what is trending and actively posting so people can see your current work. Stick with social media as 90% of the time it is your friend. 

If you look at social media websites such as Instagram and Pinterest more than 25 million businesses now use Instagram and advertisers can reach more than 169 million people on Pinterest. There is the market and it is waiting for you to explore it. 


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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