
What Are The Advantages of Using Video Interview Apps?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, video interviews have garnered popularity with all types of businesses. However, video interviews are essential at the initial stages because they help screen candidates – saving you resources and valuable time. The common thing about hiring departments is that they would like to streamline their hiring process. They can effectively do it with the use of such apps like interviewstream. Video interview apps, therefore, has countless advantages making it a great revolution for the hiring process. Here are the top benefits of video interview apps: 

Video interview apps

Ease Scheduling Burden 

If you want to bring 20 candidates for a face-to-face interview, it may take you days to weeks before going through your emails. This is because you have to create a convenient time for everyone. That makes your scheduling arrangement look like a Tetris puzzle. 

Video interviews can help you relieve much pressure and headache associated with the hiring process. The interview will allow candidates interested in the position to answer the questions they feel are convenient for them. After their response, it becomes conducive for the hiring team to review the responses. 

Improve Performance Tracking 

When the hiring process is complete, you can use the technology to look for common things with the top performers. Some of the things to look at are those they talked about while answering questions: their body language and places they choose to record the interview. When you look at all these factors, it will be easy to look for commonalities to help pick a strong candidate. You can also look back at the success of these employees and compare them to find a valuable candidate. 

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Ensuring Interviews are Consistent 

When you try asking candidates the same question, it will be easy to forget to cover certain points. Therefore, each candidate will have a different interview experience. If you are to determine the best fit for your company’s position, it will be challenging because there will be no consistency in the process. A video interview will help eliminate most of these issues. This will be easier to have consistency on the board. 

Create Convenient Interview Experience 

A candidate may not be desperately looking for new job vacancies but have open career opportunities. That’s because most candidates will have an interest when benefits, salary, and perks are right. On the other hand, if the candidates have to spend time driving across town for a formal interview, it becomes inconvenient. So, they will choose not to pursue the available opportunity. You will likely lose a potentially great candidate. Video interviewing will help address this challenge. 

Get More Insights For Better Decisions

If your business is hiring, remember there are costs associated with the process. And this affects you, particularly with the long-distance talent. To bring such professionals to the interview, you will incur the cost of flying them, book hotel rooms, and pay for their meals. If your business utilizes video interviewing tech, you can eliminate the higher costs of the interview process. 


Video interviewing technology provides you with many perks. These are shared benefits for both your business and job seekers. The platform is essential and makes the hiring process convenient.

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Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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